
Release star wars battlefront 3
Release star wars battlefront 3

release star wars battlefront 3

We are lowering the heat cost for the spool-up functionality on the Heavy Trooper’s Sentry abilities and Darth Vader is having his damage reduction reduced from 75% down to 20%. Some balance changes are also arriving in this patch, with the Ovissian Gunner, Caphex Spy, Sith Trooper and First Order Jet Trooper having their Battle Point gain reduced by 50% to bring them in line with other Reinforcements. We’ve also implemented various collision, visual effects and lighting improvements across both MC85 Star Cruiser and the Resurgent-Class Star Destroyer.

release star wars battlefront 3

This patch has a number of fixes, including issues such as BB-8 and BB-9E having the wrong VO lines and a fix for General Grievous’ Claw Rush sometimes draining all the stamina of an opponent. With the BB Update now live our next deployment is a small patch, which goes live on Wednesday, Feb 12th. It’s been great watching your reactions to the arrival of both BB-8 and BB-9E last week, and we hope you’ve been enjoying Supremacy within the Age of Resistance.

Release star wars battlefront 3